The Parish of St. Theresa & Sacred Heart is committed to the protection and safety of all children and young people in its care in the spirit of the Gospel where Jesus says, ‘Anyone who welcomes a little child in my name welcomes Me.’
(Matthew 18:5)
Safeguarding Officers:
St Theresa’s – Vacancy
Sacred Heart – John Mumford
The Catholic Churches of Sacred Heart Rothley and St. Theresa’s Birstall follow the Nottingham Diocese Child Protection Policy shown below:
“The Church recognised the personal dignity and rights of children towards who it has a special responsibility and a duty of care. The Church, and individual members of it, undertake to do all in their power to create a safe environment for children and to prevent their physical, sexual or emotional abuse. The Church authorities will liaise closely with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and properly dealt with, victims supported and perpetrators held to account.”
Gift Aid
Please consider completing the Gift Aid Form. If you are a UK Tax Payer the Church can reclaim the tax paid on your weekly offering whether you are using the envelopes, giving by standing order or direct debit. When you have completed the form please give it to either Gordon Gibson at St. Theresa’s or, Anne Mumford at Sacred Heart Rothley or for either church, Father Ted. Alternatively you can post it to the Nottingham Diocese at the address on the bottom of the form. If you have any queries regarding it, or you would like a paper copy, please see the people listed above and they will help you with it.