We are always looking for people who can help with any of the activities which aid and enhance both the liturgical celebration and the day to day working of our two parishes.  We have dedicated teams of parishioners who offer their services  in a  variety of  ways.

Care Group

A group which offers practical help, friendship, and support in difficult times to our community.  They have regular meetings,  For further details contact the church office.


At Saturday evening and Sunday Masses, we have one or two Welcomers who greet parishioners as they arrive, handing out Mass books, hymn books and newsletters.  This might be the first contact visitors and new parishioners have with our churches and it is important that we can offer a friendly introduction to the parish.  If you would like to be included on the rota, please contact the office.

Offertory Collectors and Counters

We typically require two to four adults to be responsible for the Offetory collection at each main mass as well as any second collection announced.  This also involves counting and recording the money collected afterwards.  Please contact the Church office if you would like to help.

Flower Arrangers

Flowers provide a beautiful  Altar decoration at Mass and especially for Feasts, Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals and so on. If you have a talent for flower arranging and would like to join or flower arrangers, please contact the Church Office or talk to Jenny Keel.

Repairs and Maintenance and Gardening.

The two Churches require quite a bit of upkeep and we are always so grateful to anyone with skills, particularly those with qualifications and experience who can help us maintain the fabric of the churches and surrounding gardens.


Parishioners are most welcome for tea and coffee in the parish room after Sunday Masses and we always need more volunteers to serve refreshments and wash up afterwards.  If you would like to put your name forward or if you can help at events and special occasions, please speak to Kate Cross at St. Theresa’s or Hazel Mueller’s at Sacred Heart.

Website Updating

 If there is anyone who feels that they could give some time to help with this, please see Brenda Bentham.

Newsletter Typing

Currently there are two on the rota for the newsletter which is typed once a week, generally on a Wednesday morning.  If you can help in this area, please contact either Brenda Bentham or Maura Jelley or the church Office.  at St Theresa’s.  Offers of help are always welcome. 


We have teams of parishioners who keep our churches clean and tidy. The duties involve, hoovering, dusting polishing, and cleaning the silver. It would be wonderful if you had some time you could offer to help with the cleaning.

If you are interested in helping with any of the above or have any skills you think you could share, you would be most welcome. Contact the church office for further information.