Sacrament of Reconciliation

There will be Confessions at St. Theresa’s before Saturday

evening mass from 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm.

or Please phone the church and arrange a date and time.

“Be courageous and go to Confession!
Jesus will receive you; he will receive
you with so much love” (Pope Francis)


If you would like having your baby or child baptised in the parish please speak to our Parish Priest in the first instance.

First Holy Communion

Parents are invited to put their children forward for preparation in September. The programme consists of workshops with the children and regular evening meetings with the parents. 

The parents are supported during the meetings which address Baptism, Reconciliation and the Eucharist, as well as everyday organisational business e.g. social arrangements for the celebrations.  The programme aims to ensure the preparation is at the level of the children and that they are able to take ownership of the celebrations. Dates and times of the programme will be put under the events section of this website.

Please contact the Parish office for more information. 


The Parish regularly runs a course for young people wishing to make their confirmation. The young people preparing for Confirmation will usually be of secondary school age and above.

The preparation programme involves a Rite of Commitment and regular meetings (including celebrating Reconciliation).

The course followed is one designed in the parish using material from a range of sources. The courses are publicised well in advance in the Church Newsletter. Please contact the Parish office for more information.


The Sacrament of Marriage allows partners to promise to give their life and their love freely—one to the other—with the help of God and the community, who are called to witness this joyous celebration.
Church law normally requires one partner to be a confirmed Catholic. If you live in the Parishes of Sacred Heart Rothley or St. Theresa’s Birstall and, worship regularly, or consider either of the churches to be your “family church,” you may approach the Priest about your marriage plans.
Six months notice of your plans is required to allow time for the priest to establish that both parties are free to marry according to the rites of the Catholic Church. Couples are also required to attend a Marriage Preparation Course which can be discussed with the priest. On the wedding day, many who are involved with the parish will be there to offer help and support.  If your partner is not a Catholic, please be assured that we will make them very welcome.
If you wish to marry please speak to our Parish Priest at least six months before your proposed wedding date. Please do not make any other arrangements concerning your wedding until the Priest has confirmed the availability of the Church for your wedding.

Sacrament of the Sick

Through this Sacrament those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age are strengthened by Christ. The Sacrament is celebrated by the laying on of hands by a priest and by anointing with oil made holy by God’s blessing.

As this is a Sacrament of Healing it is appropriate to request this if you are sick or before a hospital admission. Hospital chaplains can be contacted through the hospital staff or though the Church Office. The Sacrament is no longer reserved for extreme circumstances. The Sacrament for the dying is Eucharist (Viaticum i.e. food for the journey).

Hospital Visitation by Parish Clergy

If you would like a Priest of the Parish to visit a parishioner who is in hospital, you need to inform the Priest, providing them with the person’s name and their EXACT LOCATION in the hospital.