Dates For Your Diary    

Monday May 20th – Care group meeting  at St Theresa’s at 7pm

Sunday 9th June – 6pm Mass for the Sacred Heart Feast day followed by a celebration meal

Friday June 21st  –  Quiz night at St. Theresa’s at 7pm. Proceeds to Inter Care

Sunday July 7th – Parish Concert at St Theresa’s at 6.30 pm Proceeds to the Parish and LOROS

Wednesday July 10th – Fashion Show at St Theresa’s, Tickets now available from Daphne/Hazel   

Wednesday 21st August – Musical Acoustics St. Theresa’s 7pm  Proceeds to Parish funds.

Friday October 11th – Bits and Bobs evening at St Theresa’s at 7pm. Proceeds to Parkinson’s UK   

Please contact the Parish office for more information.